TO/DIE/FOR To Enter Studio This Week

August 1, 2009

Finnish gothic metallers TO/DIE/FOR will enter the studio on August 6 to begin recording their sixth album, tentatively due in early 2010. Drums tracks for a total of 15 new songs are expected to be laid down during the initial sessions, which will last four days.

Regarding the new material's musical direction, vocalist Jape Peratalo recently said, "We are not gonna fill new songs with guitars! (Which does NOT mean that there is not guitars at all!) This time we will create something new, but it will sound as TO/DIE/FOR, for sure. Main idea is that it MUST be fresh!"

He added, "Most of the gothic rock scene is so fucking boring that we do not see any reason to continue on that road! So many bands sounds almost same. There is no new ideas. I do not mean every gothic rock band, but anyway... That is something we are gonna change! We will be melancholy and everything we have been before, but we will renew our music and ways to handle it."

Currently unsigned, TO/DIE/FOR plans to release its next album through the band's own company. Peratalo explained, "We are not gonna look for any record label for releasing this album! All we need is find right labels which we could sign license deals with. Now it seems that licenses for Russian, Japan and Finland are already in our hands. And I am looking for new license deals all the time. So... things will happen mainly through our own company."

TO/DIE/FOR's fifth album, "Wounds Wide Open", was released in Finland in October 2006. The follow-up to 2005's "IV" was recorded by Samu Oittinen at Fantom Studios and by Jari-Jukka Nippala at Sonic Image, and was mixed at Sweden's Abyss Studios by Peter TÃĪgtgren (DIMMU BORGIR, CELTIC FROST).

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